Sony's Rolly music player / robot coming to the US this spring

Everyone's favorite, lovable, and totally confusing music player / dancing speaker is coming to the States this spring. As we've extensively detailed, the odd little oval is packed with all kinds of zany abilities, not the least of which is playing MP3 or AAC files via Bluetooth with A2DP off of its 2GB (which is an improvement on the Japanese version's 1GB) of flash memory. No word on price right now, but you won't care once you see how darn cute the little guy is.
Sony and its jewel HD camcorder, the TG3
History definitely going tickle Panasonic or Sanyo in the area of mini-camcorders, Sony has announced for Europe's new camcorder, or rather the TG3 HDR-TG3 for intimate. A noter que le caméscope est référencé TG1 pour les Etats-Unis et le Japon. Note that the camera is TG1 appears for the United States and Japan. Le TG3 se veut être le grand retour de Sony dans le monde des caméscopes bijou et surtout au format vertical. The TG3 wants to be the big return of Sony in the world of camcorders jewel and especially vertical format. Il vous propose le Full HD 1080i, une optique Carl Zeiss avec un zoom optique de 10x, un capteur de 4 Mégapixels pour les photos, un son 5.1 avec micro zoom, un écran tactile de 2,7", la détection des visages, le format AVCHD pour un enregistrement sur MS Duo uniquement, livré avec une MS Duo de 4Go (jusqu'à 1h25), une sortie HDMI, le tout dans une taille de 119x63x32mm pour 240g seulement. Le boîtier est en titane pour plus de légèreté et surtout avec un revêtement anti-rayure et anti-trace. Comptez 900€ pour ce mois de mai. It offers the full HD 1080i, a Carl Zeiss with a 10x optical zoom, a 4 Megapixel sensor for photos, with its 5.1 micro zoom, a touch screen 2.7 ", the detection of faces, AVCHD format for recording only on MS Duo, delivered with a MS Duo 4GB (until 1:25), an HDMI output, all in a size 119x63x32mm for only 240g. The enclosure is made of titanium for more lightness and especially with an anti-scratch coating and anti-trace. Count € 900 for the month of May. 
Pour l'avoir eu entre les mains, c'est clair que c'est un bel objet, il fait moins mastodonte que son homologue chez Sanyo, il est plus léger et il est très rapide au démarrage, tant pour les photos que pour la vidéo. To have had the hands, it's clear that this is a beautiful object, it is less mastodon as its counterpart at Sanyo, it is lighter and it is very fast start-up, both for the photos for the video. Pour ce qui de l'écran tactile, il est en soi suffisant mais pourra être un chouilla petit pour les contrôles. Regarding the touch screen, it is in itself sufficient, but may be a little chouilla for inspection. De même 4 Mégapixels pour la photo, c'est un peu léger quoique suffisant pour des photos souvenirs et elles sont toujours de meilleures qualité que ce que proposent les derniers téléphones portables. Similarly 4 Megapixels for the photo is a bit lighter though sufficient for photos and memories they are always better quality than what offer the latest mobile phones. J'ai beaucoup aimé le revêtement, un peu caoutchouteux, très appéciable ! I loved the pavement, a little rubbery, very appéciable! Dans tous les cas, comme je l'ai eu en main, et bien voici des photos lives de la bête ! In any case, as I had in hand, so here are photos of the beast lives!
Sony Mylo 2
The Sony Mylo is back (remember that little Wi-Fi messaging device?), and it's looking a bit more mature and wiser after learning some lessons the first go-round. Available for $299 (in black or white), the Sony Mylo Communicator 2 has a new look and more features, including a camera, widgets, direct downloads/uploads, and AIM and YouTube support, but is it all enough to lure the young'uns? Sadly, we don't think so. Sure, there may be a small audience that will be lured by the handheld but its downfall is the lack of cellular technology. We understand that Sony isn't trying to go after the cell phone market with the Mylo COM2 and that it's aimed at 14- to 22-year olds.

Sony announces new video projector
Sony has launched in Asia no less than four new video projector in its E Series, the VPL-EW5, VPL-EX5, VPL-EX50 and VPL-ES5. Je ne vais pas entrer dans les détails de chacun mais ils vous proposent tous une résolution de 1024x768 ou 1280x800, un taux de contraste de 900:1 et une luminosité de 2500 lumens. I will not go into the details of each, but they all offer a resolution of 1024x768 or 1280x800, a contrast ratio of 900:1 and a brightness of 2500 lumens.